
AEMT Certification and Re-Certification


If you are considering becoming an EMS professional, you will first need to earn an AEMT certification. You can do this by taking a psychomotor and practical examination. Before you take the exams, make sure you read the materials online. Also, read up on the requirements for the AEMT course you plan to take.

AEMT psychomotor exam

To become an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), a person must pass a psychomotor examination approved by the state. These exams are not administered by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) but rather by the state EMS office or a training institution. The test may involve several different components, including a performance checklist that serves as a guide for skills and abilities.

A psychomotor examination is a series of skills a candidate must demonstrate in a simulated environment. These skills are developed by the 2009 Education Standards and Instructional Guidelines for EMS professionals. These examinations are designed to formally measure the candidate’s ability to perform basic and advanced skills. They are not meant to serve as remedial training or teaching sessions.

AEMT practical examination

The National Registry EMT practical examination comprises five (5) stations that candidates must complete passing the test successfully. Each station is graded separately. The table below describes each station and a candidate’s actions to pass and fail. In addition, the table also outlines the cognitive examination. To take the exam, candidates must first set up an account on the NREMT website.

The exam is administered by the Bureau of EMS and will determine whether or not an applicant is ready for certification. To take the practical examination, applicants must be 18 years old and have completed an EMT course in the last two years. They must also have had their NREMT or Connecticut certification reinstated.

AEMT requirements

Before becoming an AEMT, you must complete a course that teaches the skills you will need to become a licensed emergency medical technician. The course will include a practical examination and a written certification examination. Each state’s emergency management services office administers these exams. During the practical examination, you will need to demonstrate your skills in assessing patients, performing cardiac arrests, and managing shock and bleeding. You can find the test schedule on the OEMs website’s EMS Licensure/Certification/Exam page.

The written exam will take two hours and test your emergency care knowledge. You will also have to take a test called the psychomotor exam. This will assess your skills in administering supplemental oxygen, CPR, and handling trauma situations. You have three chances to pass the exam, but if you fail, you will need to retake the entire EMT training program.

AEMT course

An AEMT certification will enable you to help the emergency medical services in an emergency. As an AEMT, you will need to know how to stabilize and transport patients to the hospital. You must also be knowledgeable about the unique needs of different patient populations. This will help you work efficiently in emergencies.

To earn an AEMT certification, you must pass an exam. This test is administered by your state’s emergency management services office or a local training institution. The exam includes tests on various emergency skills, including performing assessments, managing cardiac arrests, immobilizing spines, caring for long bone fractures, and controlling bleeding and shock. The exam will cover many topics, so you should check with your state’s EMS office to learn more about the examination requirements.

AEMT re-certification course

If you have been an EMT for more than two years, it may be time for an AEMT re-certification program. This program is mandatory for those who wish to continue practicing as an EMT. Some additional requirements depend on the time between re-certification and working as an EMT again. For example, you may have to take a new primary training program or re-take a portion of it. The re-certification course will have several mandatory elements, including a written examination. The exams are multiple choice and will be scored Pass/Fail. One re-test is allowed per block but must be scheduled at a time convenient for the student.

The re-certification process can be complicated, but it is possible. The first step is to determine when your certificate expires. If it was less than two years ago, you might qualify for a provisional certification through the NREMT. If your certification expired more than two years ago, you must complete a refresher course or get 24 hours of approved continuing education to qualify for re-certification.