
Mono Symptoms


Mono is an illness that affects the lymphatic system, including the spleen, which is located under the left lower rib cage. People with mono should rest and avoid vigorous activity, including sports, for six to eight weeks after being diagnosed. Afterward, they should perform gentle exercises to reduce fatigue and sleep eight hours a night. This will reduce fatigue and allow the lymphatic system to heal itself. However, people with mono should not exercise too much since their immune systems will be weakened.


Fatigue is a common symptom of mono, and it occurs during the first two weeks after you become infected. During this time, your energy level will be low, and you will feel sick for more extended. Although mono is not highly contagious, you should keep your distance from others and not share things. You should also cover your coughs and sneezes and wash your hands frequently.

In addition to fatigue, you will also be at increased risk of developing other diseases. A compromised immune system is standard among people with mono, and you may be prone to catching other illnesses. The fatigue symptoms can last for many weeks, even months. Eventually, this infection can lead to chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).


If you experience pale skin, shortness of breath, or other symptoms of anemia, you may have anemia. If you have anemia, you may need to undergo tests to determine the severity of your condition. For example, a doctor can check your hemoglobin level to determine whether you have an iron or vitamin deficiency. Anemia can severely compromise the functioning of the body’s organs. If left untreated, it can lead to a heart attack.

People with mono often have symptoms of fatigue, anemia, and other complications. In addition, their red blood cell count decreases, and they may also develop thrombocytopenia (a low blood platelet count), which causes easy bruising and bleeding. They may also experience bloody urine and stools. Other symptoms of mono include heart inflammation and swollen tonsils, which make breathing difficult and may trigger asthma attacks.


Thrombocytopenia is a condition in which the platelets in your blood are too low. This can be caused by various factors, such as an autoimmune disease or an enlarged spleen, which may trap platelets. Other possible causes are toxic chemicals and blood thinners. Some people also have hepatitis C, which can also cause thrombocytopenia.

An automated counter can determine platelet count, or a biopsy of bone marrow may be needed to determine the exact cause of thrombocytopenia. In some cases, treating the cause can improve the platelet count. In this case, treatment may include discontinuing the drug that caused thrombocytopenia or changing medications to correct the problem. Immunoglobulins and steroids are both used to treat thrombocytopenia.

Acute thrombocytopenia may be a sign of a more serious condition. In cases of severe thrombocytopenia, EBV infection should be considered a differential diagnosis.

Guillain-Barre syndrome

People who have Guillain-Barre syndrome should seek medical treatment immediately. A lack of white blood cells causes the disorder, and the condition’s symptoms can progress rapidly. Treatment is based on the severity of the symptoms. Patients with severe symptoms may require emergency room care.

Symptoms of the disorder vary significantly among patients, and they may appear suddenly or progress over days or weeks. Generally, patients experience muscle weakness, numbness, and tingling in the hands and feet; sometimes, they progress to other body parts. In severe cases, the muscles controlling breathing may be affected, and patients may require mechanical ventilation.

Guillain-Barre syndrome’s most common triggering condition is a viral or bacterial infection. For example, the Zika virus, which is spread by mosquitoes, has been linked to outbreaks of the disorder. The initial infection weakens a person’s immune system and makes them vulnerable to developing the syndrome. Although vaccinations do not cause Guillain-Barre, studies have found that they may contribute to the development of the condition.

Ankle inflammation

If you notice ankle swelling, you may have one of three: cellulitis, edema, or inflammation. See a doctor as soon as possible if you experience any of these symptoms. Cellulitis can be life-threatening if not treated. Treatment should include antibiotics and treatment to reduce swelling. Tell your doctor if the swelling does not go down or worsens after treatment. Sometimes, your doctor may also prescribe a diuretic to reduce the swelling. Another common cause of edema is chronic venous insufficiency, which affects the valves of the leg veins. It can also affect other areas of the body.

Monovirus is contagious and can last up to six weeks. A person with this virus will feel sick and tired for the first two weeks. After that, it takes longer for a person to recover, and symptoms may occur more than once. This virus can be spread by close contact, so you must avoid kissing and shaking hands with those who have it. Mono is not highly contagious, but you should wash your hands and cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing.