
Small Cap Mutual Funds


Small-cap funds invest in domestic stocks of domestic companies with above-average growth potential as determined through fundamental analysis, typically those located in their home country. Due to a higher risk of market fluctuations, such funds should only be purchased with long-term investing horizons in mind.

Small cap mutual funds offer you a chance to identify potential future winners before it hits big time.


Though small-cap funds may provide high returns over the long-term, they are more volatile and riskier than other equity-oriented funds. When markets decline significantly, their returns could experience considerable erosion. Before investing, take time to assess your risk tolerance and investment horizon before investing.

These funds invest in stocks of young companies that have yet to prove themselves in the marketplace, offering greater potential for expansion once profits start being earned. Because their share prices tend to fluctuate widely with multi-bagger potential, such funds offer attractive investment options for investors willing to take a risk for potentially greater returns.

Keep in mind that small-cap companies lack the financial strength of larger ones, making them more susceptible to crises and economic downturns, which can cause their stock prices to plummet drastically during these periods, making them unsuitable for risk-averse investors.

Small-cap funds often face liquidity issues due to being less well-known companies; finding someone willing to buy or sell shares can be challenging in the market. Furthermore, these companies tend not to pay out dividends regularly so these funds may be better suited for investors seeking growth opportunities rather than regular dividends.

When selecting the appropriate small cap fund, it is crucial to take several factors into consideration, including track record and return history of its underlying companies, risk profile of the fund, fees and expenses as well as its performance during different market cycles.

Most investors choose small-cap mutual funds for short-term investment needs; however, this can be counterproductive as these funds need time to mature. Therefore, investing in these funds for longer-term goals such as education of children or retirement planning would be more suitable.


Small-cap funds offer the potential to achieve benchmark-beating returns, but they come with risks. Small-cap funds tend to be more volatile than large and mid-cap funds and may suffer during bear markets; additionally, these investments often take longer to recover from drawdowns than their mid-cap counterparts. If you can take on these risks over the course of several years and remain patient when investing with these funds, however, significant returns could result in substantial returns from them.

As their name implies, small-cap funds invest in smaller companies listed on stock exchanges. These firms tend to be at an early stage of growth with high potential; however, this comes with higher levels of uncertainty due to limited trading volumes and price fluctuations. Therefore it is crucial that you choose an ideal small-cap fund by carefully considering its past performance.

Finding suitable small-cap mutual funds requires both extensive research and an intimate knowledge of their industry. A good place to begin your search for suitable funds is by reviewing their track record, risk-adjusted returns, Sharpe ratio, standard deviation and Treynor ratio figures. Furthermore, take your financial goals and investment time horizon into consideration before narrowing down your list of candidates.

Small-cap funds’ performance is closely tied to their market capitalization size. While some investors might assume that smaller funds offer superior risk-adjusted returns than larger ones, many large cap funds have also produced impressive returns over time.

While evaluating historical returns is essential, it’s also vitally important to take fees and taxation into account. A fund house charges an expense ratio fee as part of their management fee for managing your assets, which is expressed as a percentage of NAV; regardless of profit or loss made or loss suffered this fee must still be accounted for as it falls under Section 12AA of the Income Tax Act.

Prior to investing in small-cap funds, it’s essential that you understand their tax implications. By selecting wisely, however, you can minimize their tax impact while potentially saving money by opting for one with a lower expense ratio.


If you invest in small-cap funds, it is essential that you understand their taxation. Small-cap funds generate capital gains and dividends which must be reported and paid in accordance with tax laws. Gains arise when securities are sold for more than they cost or dividends reinvested – these incur different tax liabilities depending on how the gain was realized – capital gains being sales where profits outstripped cost, while dividends represent profits collected by a fund and distributed back out as dividends to investors.

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) mandates that small-cap mutual funds invest a majority of their corpus in equity or equity-related instruments issued by small-cap companies. SEBI considers any company ranking below 250 in market capitalization a small-cap company. Although these stocks offer high growth potential, their volatile nature and low liquidity pose considerable risk. Despite these risks, long-term returns from investing in these stocks may be enormous; many major businesses began their journey as small-caps themselves.

By and large, equity funds are taxed on their capital gains when selling securities or reinvesting dividends, with rates depending on both holding period and gain amount. Short-term capital gains (STCG) from redemptions held less than one year are taxed at 15%; those held over one year can incur long-term capital gains tax of 10% once exceeding one lakh rupees in value.

Mutual funds generate income not only from capital gains, but also through dividends and interest payments that are distributed directly to shareholders or reinvested back into the fund itself. Taxation on these income streams varies by state and fund but typically follows similar principles to personal income taxes.

Small-cap mutual funds are an effective way to diversify and grow wealth. But before making any decisions, it’s essential that you consider your financial goals and investment style before deciding to invest. A financial advisor may help determine whether investing in these funds fits with your needs; SmartAsset’s free tool matches you with pre-vetted advisors from your area who offer services at no cost so you can interview each one and select the one who is most suited for you.


Small cap mutual funds offer a great way to diversify your investment portfolio, investing in stocks of small companies with high growth potential and providing exceptional returns on your investments. But these funds involve higher risk, so before diving in it is essential that you assess your risk tolerance as well as whether value or growth strategies would best fit with your portfolio goals.

When selecting a small-cap fund, it’s crucial to take its performance over time into consideration. A fund should boast strong management teams and research processes with minimal fees in order to maximize returns. Furthermore, its expense ratio must also remain at an optimal level so as to maximize returns.

Consideration should also be given to how well small-cap funds perform during recessions. Usually, smaller cap funds tend to fare better as they typically drop less than larger cap stocks in such conditions, though this should not be seen as a guarantee and no returns may be seen at all.

Small-Cap Mutual Funds

Investing in small-cap mutual funds can offer significant returns, but it’s essential to understand their associated risks. Since these funds typically carry more risk than other mutual fund categories, these investments should only be considered if you possess a high-risk tolerance and for long-term goals like retirement planning or children’s education planning.

Before investing in a small-cap mutual fund, be sure to read its fact sheet and evaluate its composition. Furthermore, carefully consider its investment objective and time horizon – since these speculative funds may fluctuate, it’s best to invest over 10 years so as to take advantage of compound interest and overcome market volatility; plus it will allow you to reach your financial goals faster while taking advantage of tax benefits for these investments.